Too often I see companies (small and large) looking for the
perfect match. But does that perfect competence match exists ?
Because of the high expectations many vacancies remain available for a long time. Ok, I agree, there should be some match between the candidate and the job vacancy, but I don't believe the match should be 100%. Most skills can be developed if the person really wants to. The right training, coaching and some investment can do a miracle.
Attitude on the other hand is much harder to develop. An introvert will not easily turn into an extravert. A solo player will hardly become a true team player. A psychopath will most presumable not become little red riding hood.
But still, many organizations hire people, based on competences instead of attitude. They believe they can change attitude by installing strict and clear guidelines. I don't believe this.
Competence development costs time and money, but it is a truly good investment which results in motivation, long term relationships and personal & professional growth.
That's why I say : Hire for attitude, train for skills !