The difference between daydreaming and success is ACTION. To achieve something, you need to know the what and how of achieving your goal. But more important you'll need to take action.
Too often I see people complaining about the fact they don't have enough responsibility to achieve things.
NO ! That's not true! Really successful people don't wait until somebody gives them the proper responsibility, they simply grab it and go for it.
Most successful people in history made a decision to change e.g. Ghandi, Mandela, Columbus, but also in business life there are many examples e.g. Jack Welsh, Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey...

What did they do ? They didn't wait until somebody gave them responsibility. They created circumstances to stand up. They decided to make a difference. They started with themselves.
The core of your own possibilities is called
the circle of influence. There will always be some things decided out of your circle of influence and some of them might even have an impact on you. This area is called
the circle of concern.
We live in a democracy, we are free to speak up. We are free to take a decision for ourselves.
Back to your life.
If we are prevented from achieving our goals, we blame circumstances in our circle of concern (sometimes even before we took any action). My question to you in that case : " did you really do everything you can to make things happen ? "
No you don't have to stay with a boss who bullies you. No you don't have to keep on doing a job that doesn't inspire you. Think, think twice, have faith, believe in your own potential and you'll grow.
You'll need both "vision" and "action" to enlarge your circle of influence. First think, then take the action and believe in yourself.
Vision without action = daydreaming
Action without vision = catastrophe
Vision + Action = the way to success