Thursday, June 28, 2012

You can't change the weather

Too often I hear people complain about things they can't change like :

  • the green light turning red just 2 cars before you arrive at the crossroad
  • the weather
  • traffic jams
  • ...
All this complaining generates negative energy. Energy you'd better use to create new things and solutions. 

Somebody told me once: "you can't change the things that are happening around you, you can change how you react on them". Keep this in mind, and try to seek opportunities instead of blowing up problems. 

Even when it is raining cats & dogs, there are new opportunities. You can start selling umbrellas and make so much money you can move to a nice and warm exotic country :-)

So next time you start complaining, think twice and seek for the opportunity, because some things can't be changed and complaining absorbs all your energy.

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