Monday, April 15, 2013

That comfy seat and the world outside ...

Oh it feels great to be in the office. Our beautiful designer desk, comfy seat, coffee at hand to stay awake all day long, a big screen computer behind which you can easily hide if anybody walks into your office, frame with a picture of your family, ... I guess you got the picture by now.

Enough reason for not leaving that oasis of comfort. The masses outside live a different life. Your agenda is fully booked, so you don't have time to be interested at the "others". Your job is to produce powerpoint presentations and excel data sheets which you present proudly to other comfort people in the office, although they are not interested because it is not their presentation.

My message to all the people who recognize themselves in this situation : GET OUT OF THE OFFICE. Get connected to the people outside their. Be interested at the company you are working for. Discover what the products you produce are and how they are produced. Walk around and talk to people. Go to the coffee machine in the cafeteria instead of using your private nespresso machine in your office. If you see a new face, talk to the person and ask him for his name and what he is doing.

Perhaps you believe you don't have time to do this, but believe me, once you start doing this, you discover a whole new world and you'll be able to take better decisions.

By the way, the people outside your office talk a lot about you and your lonely life in your comfy office. They say things like ; "what is he doing", "who is that goldfish in the fish bowl?", "oh him, he is that expensive guy who doesn't know what we are doing, but boy he is good at powerpoint and excel".

Have fun and walk the day ! You don't need the guts of Indiana Jones to get out of your office and discover what's going on there. Just be interested at that world !

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