Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting Santa angry – how to be bad at giving feedback

A while ago I found this great youtube movie about a group of people who want to record Santa’s worldfamous “HOHOHO”. Look at the movie before you continue this blogpost.

When we look at this movie we see Santa’s mood change from enthousisatic to confused to angry. While he was motivated in the beginning, he is completely upset in the end.

Why ?
Because the other people gave him the worst feedback in the world :
·      Everybody had an opinion (not always the same)
·      They gave him fuzzy feedback
·      No matter what Santa tried, they always gave him negative feedback
·      Nobody actually showed him how he should do it

How we do it in business life
When we are coaching, many people fail at giving good feedback. Feedback that helps the associate grow to better performance. We are facing difficulties to make our point, be clear, stay positive and explain by example.

What can we learn from this ?
Next time you coach, use this step by step approach :
  • Make sure you have a clear picture of the result you want to achieve with the coaching.  (Goal)
  • Involve the associate in the improvement process (does he have any suggestions? what are his feelings with the current performance ? …)
  • Stay positive and motivate him to further improve
  • Never ever confuse him by letting all of your colleagues give feedback at the same time :-)
Good luck and I already wish you a merry X-Mas.


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