Since 2009, more than ever, the financial crisis has been used too often as an excuse for not taking any decision. There is too much uncertainty, perhaps next year, ... or even worse, managers who hire very expensive consultants to formulate an advise and afterwards they blame the consultant if things turn out wrong. STOP this unheroic behavior ! This behavior will not make the world rock.
Indecisive managers
- be pro-active
- Begin with the end in mind
- Put first things first
I honestly believe you should have the end in mind and set priorities and as long as you do, you can easily take decisions. Does the issue fit in the master plan or not ?
When an employee asks you to take a decision, you look at the facts, discuss how you should tackle the situation and decide. Even if the decision turns out to be not that successful in the end, your employee will appreciate you had the guts to decide.
Especially in rough times, like in times of crisis, people want strong personalities who dare to take decisions. This creates a feeling of higher certainty. There is a clear correlation between motivation and decisive managers.
The right setting
All of the above sounds correct, don't you think ? Here are some ideas to create the right setting :
- don't shoot people who dare to come up with new ideas (although they might sound a little strange in the beginning)
- allow people to make a mistake. Forgive them if a decision turns out to be a mistake, as long as they learn from it.
- don't overanalyze to postpone your decisions - calculate the risk, start doing and follow-up.
- Dare to...
To end
Awhile ago a saw an interview on youtube between Richard Branson and Seth Godin. In the interview Richard Branson explains his vision about entrepreneurial mind who dares to take decisions, who might fail, but who learn form it. As said by Richard Branson : "Try everything you can and you'll sleep ok. If you give up, you'll forever kick yourself."
Very nice blog Pim, it reminds me of a bottom up project on decision making I was involved in once.Our slogan then was: 'Cut one knot a day and the profit will stay!' Cheers, Ger Driesen