Sunday, May 26, 2013

Live your life !

How do you look at life ? Are you an optimist ? Do you see and grab the opportunities in life ? Or do you rather prefer to complain and focus on problems ?

In 2009 a group of 3 people started a project (Holstee Manifesto). They made a clear statement and urge everybody to have more focus on opportunities and enjoy life. The message is extremely strong and puts a lot of responsibility with YOU ! Don't blame anybody if things don't go the way you want them to be. It might take some courage and it might scare the hell out of you, but in the end you'll realize you had a great life. You didn't stay in a job you never liked. You didn't invest too much time on people you don't want to hang around with. You didn't spend most of your evenings watching TV.

No, you stood up and enjoyed life. So my message to you, get up and do something with your life.

Watch this movie

Print this poster and put it on the wall of your office.

It is your life, so enjoy it !

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