Thursday, June 13, 2013

What is your excuse for not being brave ?

I woke up early this morning and enjoyed the silence of our home to read a book by Seth Godin. There was one particular paragraph that struck me :

If it would be easy or normal to be brave, then everybody would be brave. 
When things go wrong, everybody has a gigantic list of excuses. And by using these excuses we say "It was impossible to be brave". My point is that we should STOP RIGHT NOW inventing excuses in advance in case things go wrong. We should SHOW BRAVENESS, BEFORE THINGS GO WRONG !

(free translation from Seth Godin's Linchpin - dutch version)

He is soooooo right. Sometimes I get a feeling certain managers have a huge talent at inventing all of these excuses and blaming others. But not only managers. People in general. And by writing this down, it reminds me of the difference between managers and leaders. 

Managers try to control things, and when things go wrong, they do damage control.
Leaders show braveness. They dare. They challenge life and they don't settle for mediocrity. They believe in what they do, take the blame on them when things go wrong and learn from their mistakes. 

People prefer leaders above managers, because they push us forward, instead of pulling us backwards. 

My question to you : What is your choice ? Do you manage your life, or do you lead your life ?

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