Sunday, January 13, 2013

Do you live in the past or the future ?

I'm often asked to mediate between colleagues who have an argument or even a conflict. Based on my experiences, I distinguish 2 types of people :

  1. People who go back to the past to find out who to blame. 
  2. People who look at the past to see how they can learn from what happened and build for the future.
I believe the first group op people live in the past. They invest all their energy in something they can't / don't want to change. They are focused on blaming, right/wrong, ... without moving on. They often create quite a lot of collateral damage, without necessarily contributing to long lasting solutions. They create negative energy.

The second group op people build the future. They use the past to see where something went wrong and use this knowledge to learn and be better in the future. They forgive and move on. They create more positive energy and grow.

Are you group 1 or group 2 person ?  It is a personal life-choice. You decide who you want to be ! 

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