Monday, January 28, 2013

Stop killing these great ideas, they are your future !

A true story

One day, Peter was attending a meeting in his company. His boss was giving a speech about the need for change to turn around the negative financial situation of the company. As a "good" manager he asked the audience to bring in great ideas that could help. 
Peter came up with an idea that didn't need big investments, but ... even before he finished his ideas, the idea was killed by his boss as being 'not realistic'.

Does this sound familiar to you ? 

Greatest ideas often start with a strange twist in our mind. And when we persist, the idea can grow and become a success. We need people to give it a chance. 

Creativity killer bingo
If you recognize this situation, you can introduce the creativity killer bingo in your organization. Every time you have a meeting / discussion / brainstorming, give everybody a creativity killer bingo form. If anybody uses one of the phrases mentioned on the bingo form, other participants can mark it on his form. When you have a full row, it is BINGO time. (perhaps you'll have to pay a round after hours, or you'll have to pay for the pizza's, ...)

Don't kill creativity and ideas before they are born. Listen to your colleagues and give it a chance. 

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